Buoyant Magnetic Flux Ropes and Convection: Evolution Prior to Emergence
S.B.F. Dorch

Institute: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Contact Email: dorch@astro.su.se

Abstract: We have performed detailed numerical 3-d simulations of the interaction of buoyantly ascending twisted magnetic flux ropes and solar-like stratified convection (with surface cells similar to solar supergranules in size). Results are presented for three different cases --- corresponding to different amounts of initial field line twist --- that represents fundamentally different types of instabilities: the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability in which case the flux rope disrupts and network patches are formed at surface cell boundaries; the kink instability that has been proposed as a mechanism for forming tightly packed $\delta$-type spots; a stable flux rope where neither of the former instabilities arise, and the behavior of which is similar to classical text book flux tubes, except from a flux-loss due to the advective action of the convective flows. The simulations thus support the idea that the magnetic flux observed at the surface in bipolar regions are smaller, ceteris paribus, than that of the dynamo generated flux ropes near the bottom of the convection zone. Please note that this material is also available as an online as a web talk.

Buoyant Magnetic Flux Ropes and Convection: Evolution Prior to Emergence [PDF - Type 1 fonts]

Buoyant Magnetic Flux Ropes and Convection: Evolution Prior to Emergence [PS]

Index Keywords: magnetism -- instabilities ; 3-D Simulations ; Sun

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Manuscript submitted: 2001-Aug-15
"The Future of Cool-Star Astrophysics", 2003, Eds. A. Brown, G. M. Harper, & T. R. Ayres. Proceedings of 12th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, & The Sun,
© 2003 University of Colorado.