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O'Shea, Eoghan

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Institute: ESA Space Science Department, ESTEC
First Coauthor: Karin Muglach
Institute: Astrophysikalisches Institut, Potsdam, Germany Potsdam
Second Coauthor: Bernhard Fleck
Institute: ESA Space Science Department, NASA/GSFC
Subject Area: The Sun
Waveband: Extreme Ultraviolet
Technique: Spectroscopy
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: Sunspot Oscillations: Results from JOP097
Abstract: We present preliminary results here of an ongoing analysis of data, which were obtained in the context of the Joint Observing Program (JOP) 97. This JOP included the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) and the Michelson Doppler Imaging (MDI) instrument, both part of SOHO, the TRACE satellite and various ground based observatories. Using a number of transition region EUV lines from CDS, the three filters centred at 1600Å, 1700Å and 1550Å from TRACE and the intensity and velocity data from MDI we examine time series data in sunspot umbral regions associated with several active region. Using the TRACE images in conjunction with 240 $\times$ 240 arcsec2 CDS rasters and MDI continuum intensity images enabled us to coalign the CDS, TRACE and MDI data. This, in turn, enabled us to compare the results of time series data obtained from these three instruments. We present these results here. This research is part of the European Solar Magnetometry Network supported by the EU through the TMR programme.
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