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Brickhouse, Nancy

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Institute: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
First Coauthor: Randall K. Smith
Research URL:
Subject Area: Atomic Data for Astrophysics
Waveband: Multi-wavelength
Technique: Spectroscopy
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: The Astrophysical Plasma Emission Code: Spectral Diagnostics
Abstract: We present results from the Astrophysical Plasma Emission code for X-ray spectral diagnostics. Strong emission lines of hydrogen-like, helium-like and Fe L shell diagnostics are useful for temperature, density and abundance determinations from Chandra and XMM-Newton observations. Our results are compared with other spectral codes, laboratory measurements, and astrophysical data. Integration of model spectra with the CXC CIAO software is demonstrated. This work is supported by NASA grant NAG5-3559 and the Chandra X-ray Center.

Cool Stars 12