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Cuntz, Manfred

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Institute: Department of Physics, Science Hall,
Univ. of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76021
First Coauthor: Steve T. Suess
Institute: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Mail Stop SD 50, Huntsville, AL 35812
Subject Area: The Sun
Waveband: Extreme Ultraviolet
Technique: Computational Astrophysics
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: Shock Formation and Wind Energetics of Solar Coronal Plumes
Abstract: We investigate the shock formation and wind energetics of solar coronal plumes. Our models consider the effects of slow magnetosonic waves with the wave parameters given by recent observations (mostly SOHO/UVCS). Our models take into account newly derived spreading functions of the plumes. We find that the heating of the plumes by the waves is highly influenced by the carry-along effect of the wind, particularly for long-period waves. Slow magnetosonic waves significantly contribute to the plume energy input, even though other mechanisms as e.g. Alfven waves are expected to dominate at large coronal heights.

Cool Stars 12