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Institute: Osservatorio astronomico di Brera
First Coauthor: Tomaso Belloni
Institute: Osservatorio astronomico di Brera
Second Coauthor: Alberto Moretti
Institute: Osservatorio astronomico di Brera
Subject Area: Star Clusters, Associations
Waveband: X-rays
Technique: Photometry
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: Stellar X-ray activity in the old open cluster M 67: the Chandra view
Abstract: The ROSAT PSPC observation of the old open cluster M 67 detected 25 X-ray sources with confirmed membership. These stars are spread throughout the H-R diagram. Many of them are binary undergoing tidal interaction, or that have interacted tidally in the past. Some may be rapidly rotating stars that are the product of a merger. In order to extend the ROSAT findings and to study little understood details of stellar activity evolution and of binary evolution M 67 has recently been observed with Chandra (May 31 - June 01). Here we will present the preliminary results of this 50 ks deep Chandra observation.

Cool Stars 12