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Trigilio, Corrado

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Institute: Istituto di Radioastronomia, CNR Italy
First Coauthor: Carla Buemi
Institute: Istituto di Radioastronomia
Second Coauthor: Grazia Umana
Institute: Istituto di Radioastronomia
Research URL:
Subject Area: Binary Stars: Interacting
Waveband: Radio
Technique: Interferometry
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: The Radio corona of AR Lac
Abstract: A multiwavelenght observing campain on the binary system AR Lacertae was performed over a time interval of four days. During this period the source showed a main flare event, followed from an enanched but decreasing flux level. The five-frequencies VLA and simultaneous two frequencies VLBA observations give the opportunity of studing the evolution of the structure of the radio emitting regions and of the spectra during the development of the flare, as well as outside the flare event. The derived five-frequencies spectra indicates the presence of an optically thin structure responsible of radio emission during the out-flare phases. The flaring the spectra show a flatter trend, which suggests a structural complexity growth associated to the active period. The latter is confirmed by the analysis of VLBA maps and visibility functions.
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