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Preibisch, Thomas

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Institute: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie
Bonn, Germany
First Coauthor: Hans Zinnecker
Institute: Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Germany
Research URL:
Subject Area: Star Clusters, Associations
Waveband: X-rays
Technique: Imaging (Direct)
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: The Chandra View of the T Tauri stars, Brown Dwarfs, and Protostars in the Very Young Cluster IC 348
Abstract: We present the results of a deep Chandra/ACIS X-ray imaging study of the very young cluster IC 348. Our image with a sensitivity limit of 1028 erg/sec (more than 10x deeper than our ROSAT images of IC 348), reveals 215 X-ray sources. While most of these sources can be reliably identified with known cluster members, some 60 X-ray sources are probably new, still unidentified cluster members. Approximately 80 of all cluster members known from optical/infrared spectroscopic studies to have masses between $0.15 M_\odot$ and $2 M_\odot$ are detected as X-ray sources. We find no evidence for significant differences between the X-ray properties of weak-line T Tauri stars and classical T Tauri stars. We discover X-ray emission at levels of 1028 erg/sec from 7 of the known brown dwarfs and brown dwarf candidates in IC 348. The X-ray properties of the brown dwarfs are similar to those of late M-type field stars and suggest the X-ray emission of the sub-stellar objects originates from a hot corona. We also detect X-ray emission from two deeply embedded objects, presumably class I protostars, in the dense molecular cloud south of the cluster center.
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