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Curdt, Werner

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Institute: Max-Planck-Institut f/"ur Aeronomie
37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
First Coauthor: Paal Brekke
Institute: ESA Space Science Department
Second Coauthor: Klaus Wilhelm
Institute: Max-Planck-Institut f/"ur Aeronomie
Research URL:
Subject Area: The Sun
Waveband: Extreme Ultraviolet
Technique: Spectroscopy
Presentation: Oral Contribution: Tuesday
Title: The SUMER Spectral Atlas of Solar-Disk Features
Abstract: A far-ultraviolet and extreme-ultraviolet (FUV, EUV) spectral atlas of the Sun between 670 Å and 1609 Å in first order of diffraction has been derived from observations obtained with the SUMER (Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation) spectrograph on SOHO. The atlas contains spectra of the average quiet Sun, a coronal hole and a sunspot on disk. Different physical parameters prevalent in the bright network (BN) and in the cell interior (CI) have their imprint on the BN/CI ratio, which is also shown. With a few exceptions, all major lines are given with their identifications and wavelengths. The spectra include emissions from atoms and ions in the temperature range 6 103 K to 2 106 K, i.e., continua and emission lines emitted from the lower chromosphere to the corona. This spectral atlas, with its broad wavelength coverage, provides a rich source of new diagnostic tools for studying the physical parameters in the Solar chromosphere, the transition region and the corona. It also provides an excellent reference for astrophysical applications. In particular, the wavelength range below 1100 Å as observed by SUMER represents a significant improvement over the spectra produced in the past.
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