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Hussain, Gaitee A.J.

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Institute: Harvard Smithsonian CfA
First Coauthor: Adriaan A. van Ballegooijen
Institute: Harvard Smithsonian CfA
Second Coauthor: Moira Jardine
Institute: University of St Andrews
Subject Area: Stellar Atmospheres, Circumstellar Material
Waveband: Multi-wavelength
Technique: Imaging (Doppler)
Presentation: Oral Contribution: Monday
Title: Modeling the corona of AB Doradus
Abstract: We present coronal models for the active, rapidly rotating K0 dwarf, AB Doradus. The technique used to produce the magnetic geometry of the corona is based on the high resolution spectroscopic technique, Zeeman Doppler imaging (ZDI). These magnetic field loops are populated using a physically realistic steady-flow loop model which takes the asymmetries of the stellar loops into account. The densities derived from these models compare favourably with observations. The temperatures and densities from a variety of loop structures are used to predict the emission measure distribution expected from this star and is compared with EUVE observations.

Cool Stars 12