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Dorch, Bertil

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Institute: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
Stockholm Observatory, SE-13336 Saltsjöbaden
First Coauthor: William P. Abbett
Institute: Space Science Laboratory, University of California
Second Coauthor: Boris V. Gudiksen
Institute: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Research URL:
Subject Area: The Sun
Waveband: Optical
Technique: Computational Astrophysics
Presentation: Oral Contribution: Tuesday, WebTalk
Title: Buoyant Magnetic Flux Ropes and Convection: Influence of Convective Flows on the Evolution Prior to Emergence
Abstract: We have performed detailed numerical 3-d simulations of the interaction of buoyantly ascending magnetic flux ropes and solar-like stratified convection (with surface cells similar to solar supergranules). Results are presented for three different cases -- correspond to different amounts of initial field line twist -- that represent fundamentally different types of instabilities: the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability in which case the flux rope disrupts and network patches are formed at surface cell boundaries; the kink instability that have been proposed as a mechanism for forming the tightly packed delta-spots; a stable flux rope where neither of the former instabilities appear, and the behavior of which is similar to that of classical textbook flux tubes, except from a substantial flux-loss due to the advective action of the convective flows.
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