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Hünsch, Matthias

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Institute: Institute; Institut für Theoretische Physik und
Astrophysik, Universität Kiel, Germany
First Coauthor: Carsten Weidner
Institute: Institute; Institut für Theoretische Physik und
Astrophysik, Universität Kiel, Germany
Subject Area: Star Clusters, Associations
Waveband: Multi-wavelength
Technique: Imaging (Direct)
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: Stellar activity and Lithium abundances in NGC 2451
Abstract: We present results of our combined X-ray and optical study of NGC 2451, which actually consists of two different clusters situated along the same line-of-sight at distances of 190 and 360 pc. The nearer one ranks among the ten nearest clusters and is probably the only one of them showing a significant underabundance of metals. Hence, it is a prime target for the study of lithium evolution. Until present, the study of this cluster has severely been hampered by strong contamination of field stars. Yet, ROSAT X-ray observations allow to overcome the difficulties in identifying cluster members by means of their X-ray emission. In addition to a comprehensive optical photometry and an identification of cluster members we also present the first high-resolution spectra of a few cluster stars obtained at Mount Stromlo observatory.
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