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Ferreira, Miguel

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Institute: University of Azores
Subject Area: Stellar Atmospheres, Circumstellar Material
Waveband: Other (Please Specify Below)
Technique: Computational Astrophysics
Other: not applicable
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: Flares driven by the outward motion of slingshot prominences
Abstract: We consider that large flares can be triggered by the formation and evolution of prominences condensating far from the surface of rapidly-rotating stars. In our model, a prominence is represented by a disc of mass and current embedded in a low $\beta$ corona. The prominence is considered to move outwards due to the continuous accumulation of matter in the prominence region. In this scenario, the prominence drags the field lines with it and therefore increases the free magnetic energy available for dissipation. We determine the amount of free magnetic energy stored in the distorted field for different model parameters and compare it with the observations

Cool Stars 12