The spectral variability of TW Hya, a 10 Myr old classical
T Tauri star
Silvia Alencar & Celso Batalha
Astronomy Department - IAG - University of Sao Paulo, Brasil
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We present the analysis of 50 spectra of the Classical T
Tauri star TW Hya observed with the FEROS echelle
spectrograph over the last two years. The star exhibits
strong emission lines that show a variety and variability
in profile shapes.
The system shows periodic variations in line and veiling
intensities that are consistent with magnetospheric
accretion models with an inclined dipole field. Our results
suggest the system is viewed at low inclinations (
i < 20 degrees ).
No manuscript was submitted to these Proceedings.
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"The Future of Cool-Star Astrophysics', 2003, Eds. A. Brown,
G. M. Harper, & T. R. Ayres.
Proceedings of 12th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems,
& The Sun,
© 2003 University of Colorado.