A Study of the Coronal Plasma in RS CVn Binary Systems
M. Audard, M. Guedel, A. Sres, R. Mewe, A. Raassen, E. Behar,
C.R. Foley, & R. van der Meer
Institute: Paul Scherrer Institut
Institute: Institute of Astronomy, ETHZ
Institute: Space Research Organization of the Netherlands
Institute: Astronomical Institute ``Anton Pannekoek'', Amsterdam
Institute: Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory
Institute: Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Contact Email: audard@astro.columbia.edu
XMM-Newton has been performing comprehensive
studies of X-ray bright RS CVn binaries in its Calibration and
Guaranteed Time programs. We present results from ongoing investigations
in the context of a systematic study of coronal emission from RS CVns.
We concentrate in this paper on coronal abundances and
investigate the abundance pattern in RS CVn binaries as a function
of activity and average temperature. A transition from an Inverse
First Ionization Potential (FIP) effect towards an absence of a clear trend
is found in intermediately active RS CVn systems. This scheme corresponds
well into the long-term evolution from an IFIP to a FIP effect found in
solar analogs. We further study
variations in the elemental abundances during a large flare.
Index Keywords: HR 1099 ; UX Ari ; Lambda And ; Capella ; XMM-Newton RGS ;
Coronal abundances
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Manuscript submitted: 2001-Sep-3
"The Future of Cool-Star Astrophysics", 2003, Eds. A. Brown,
G. M. Harper, & T. R. Ayres.
Proceedings of 12th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems,
& The Sun,
© 2003 University of Colorado.