Dynamic Modelling of the Outer Atmosphere of Alpha Tau
A.D. McMurry, M. Carlsson, & R.F. Stein
Institute: Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Oslo
Institute: Michigan State University
Contact Email: andrew.mcmurry@astro.uio.no
Using one-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamics simulations a model of
the outer atmosphere of Alpha Tau is created. The reaction of the
model to acoustic waves is explored. It is found that high frequency
waves are radiatively damped out in the photosphere. The lower
frequency waves above the Hydrodynamic acoustic cutoff frequency do
produce some chromospheric heating.
Index Keywords: Alpha Tau
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Manuscript submitted: 2001-Sep-5
"The Future of Cool-Star Astrophysics", 2003, Eds. A. Brown,
G. M. Harper, & T. R. Ayres.
Proceedings of 12th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems,
& The Sun,
© 2003 University of Colorado.