The FUSE Cool Star Survey
T. B. Ake, A. K. Dupree, J. L. Linsky, & the FUSE Cool Star Team

Institute: Department of Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Computer Sciences Corporation
Institute: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Institute: JILA, University of Colorado, and NIST
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Abstract: As part of the PI-team program, the FUSE cool star group has surveyed eight coronal, non-coronal, and hybrid stars using the LWRS (30"x30") aperture, providing full wavelength coverage in the FUSE bandpass. Additional stars are being observed with the MDRS (4"x20") slit for the team D/H program, primarily to obtain intrinsic Lyman Beta profiles. We provide here an overview of the observations to date, with examples of the types of studies currently in progress.

The FUSE Cool Star Survey [PDF - Type 1 fonts]

The FUSE Cool Star Survey [PS]

Index Keywords: Alpha Car

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Manuscript submitted: 2001-Sep-07
"The Future of Cool-Star Astrophysics", 2003, Eds. A. Brown, G. M. Harper, & T. R. Ayres. Proceedings of 12th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, & The Sun,
© 2003 University of Colorado.