The Future of Cool-Star Astrophysics

July 30th - August 3rd, 2001, Boulder, Colorado

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Splinter Session on Brown Dwarfs

Wednesday 1st August 2001

Below is the final agenda for the Brown Dwarf Splinter Session of the Cool Stars 12 Workshop, scheduled for 3:00-5:30 pm on Wednesday, August 1.

The splinter session was born from a request by Adam Burgasser to have a scheduled, but informal, discussion of brown dwarf spectral classification and related matters. To conform to Adam's intent and to allow for sufficient discussion within the allotted time, we have limited the "official" scope of this session to classification, colors, and transient phenomena (e.g., weather). We are sorry that we cannot accommodate all the requests for talks during this session, but we encourage all interested participants to present one or two transparencies on their work at appropriate times during the discussion periods.

The splinter session is divided into two parts: "Spectral Classification and Colors of Late L/T Dwarfs," and "Clouds and Coronae in M/L/T Dwarfs." Each session features two 15-minute talks and a discussion period. The four talks feature subject matter that is relevant and essential for informed discussion. Three other talks on these topics will be delivered during the regular morning session on the preceding day, Tuesday, July 31. Please be sure to attend these talks:

The scheduled end of the splinter session appears not to be a "hard stop." We may be able to extend discussion into the social hour, if desired. Certainly, other times for unofficial gatherings can be arranged.

David Golimowski and James Liebert, Co-chairs

03.00-04:20pm Part A: Spectral Classification and Colors of Late L/T Dwarfs
03:00-03:05pm Chair's opening remarks: Dave Golimowski (Johns Hopkins University)
03:05-03:20pm Towards Spectral Classification of L and T Dwarfs: Infrared and Optical Spectroscopy and Analysis: Tom Geballe (Gemini Observatory)
03:20-3:35pm Near-Infrared Photometry of L and T Dwarfs: Denise Stephens (NMSU)
03:35-4:20pm Discussion
04:20-4:30pm Break
04.30-05:30pm Part B: Clouds and Coronae in M/L/T Dwarfs
04:30-04:35pm Chair's opening remarks: Jim Liebert (University of Arizona)
04:35-4:50pm A Case for Clouds in L Dwarfs: Christopher Gelino (NMSU)
04:50-5:05pm Chandra Observations of Low-Mass Stellar and Substellar Coronae: Mark Giampapa (NOAO)
05:05-05:30pm Discussion
05:35-06:30pm Poster viewing/social hour/ Option for continued presentation and discussion.