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Guedel, Manuel

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Institute: Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
First Coauthor: Marc Audard
Institute: Paul Scherrer Institut
Second Coauthor: Rolf Mewe
Institute: Space Research Organization Netherlands
Research URL:
Waveband: X-rays, Multi-wavelength
Technique: Spectroscopy
Other: X-ray coronae of active stars, with coordinated observations
Presentation: Oral Contribution: Thursday
Title: A Systematic Spectroscopic X-Ray Study of Stellar Coronae with XMM-Newton
Abstract: The XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometers have been conducting a comprehensive survey of stellar coronae during the commissioning, calibration, verification, and guaranteed time phases of XMM-Newton, accompanied by simultaneous observations with the EPIC cameras and, for many of the targets, with the radio Very Large Array (VLA) and/or the Very Large Baseline Array (VLBA). The principal aim of this project is threefold: i) To understand stellar coronal structure and composition by studying systematics in the coronae of stars with widely different levels of magnetic activity; ii) to investigate heating and particle acceleration physics during flares, their role for the overall coronal energy budget, and their possible role in the quiescent stellar emission; iii) to probe stellar coronal evolution by studying solar analogs of different ages. We report the present status of the project, including discussion of new results related to differential emission measure distributions, coronal variability, elemental abundances, and information from coordinated radio observations. Additional co-authors: A.J.J. Raassen, E. Behar, C.R. Foley, H. Magee, A.J. Beasley, K. Smith, A.O. Benz
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Cool Stars 12