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Audard, Marc

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Institute: Paul Scherrer Institut
First Coauthor: Manuel Güdel
Institute: Paul Scherrer Institut
Second Coauthor: Rolf Mewe
Institute: Space Research Organization Netherlands
Research URL:
Presenting Thesis: Yes
Waveband: X-rays
Technique: Spectroscopy
Other: Magnetic Activity in Late-Type Stars
Presentation: Oral Contribution: Thursday
Title: A Study of the Coronal Plasma in RS CVn binary systems:
Chandra LETG and XMM-Newton spectra of HR 1099

Abstract: Both XMM-Newton and Chandra have been performing comprehensive studies of X-ray luminous RS CVn binary systems. HR 1099 has been particularly well covered. We observed it with XMM-Newton during approximately 500 ksec, obtaining unprecedented spectroscopic and photometric data. To extend the spectral range into the EUV, we obtained 100 ksec of exposure time with the Chandra LETG. The combined data cover the X-ray spectrum from $\sim$ 5 to 170 Å at high resolution and sensitivity. We present results from the ongoing investigations of this binary in the context of a comprehensive study of coronal emission from RS CVn binary systems. We investigate whether there are systematic differences in the emission measure (EM) distribution between different objects. We further study time variability in the EM distribution, variations in the elemental abundances along with temperature variations, and changes of the electron densities between different states of activity. We discuss implications from our results for the structure and composition of coronae in active binary systems. Additional co-authors: A. J. J. Raassen, E. Behar, C. R. Foley, R. L. J. van der Meer.
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Cool Stars 12