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Glebocki, Robert

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Institute: Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics,
University of Gdansk
First Coauthor: Piotr Gnacinski
Institute: Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, University of
Subject Area: Star Clusters, Associations
Waveband: Optical
Technique: Other (Please Specify Below)
Other: Compilation of spectroscopic data
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: The catalogue of rotational velocities of stars in clusters
Abstract: Compilation of all spectroscopic determinations of projected equatorial rotation velocities of individual stars, members of 7 associations, 27 open clusters and 7 globular clusters, is made. About 3200 V*sin(i) values are found for 2473 stars. Up to the date we have found 65 papers dealing with V*sin(i) measurements. Unfortunately, only half of the data contain information about individual errors. For each entry in the catalogue information about method of determination and source reference are presented. Catalogue is a base for future analysis of evolution of rotation with age for stars of different initial mass.

Cool Stars 12