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Pagano, Isabella

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Institute: Catania Astrophysical Observatory, Italy
First Coauthor: Jeffrey L. Linsky
Institute: JILA, University of Colorado, CO, USA
Second Coauthor: Werner Curdt
Institute: Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie, Germany
Subject Area: Single Stars
Waveband: Ultraviolet
Technique: Spectroscopy
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: The alpha Cen A and solar FUV spectra
Abstract: We present a comparison of the FUV spectrum of alpha Cen A (G2 V) acquired by STIS on HST (E140H, R$\sim$110,000) with the solar average quiet spectrum acquired by SUMER on SOHO in the wavelength range 1150-1500 Å. We compare the line profiles of the strongest lines, and discuss the main peculiarities of the FUV emission of both stars. 3th Co-Author name: Jeff Valenti 3th Co-Author Institute: NOAO, Kitt Peak, Tucson, AZ, USA 4th Co-Author name: Mark Gagné 4th Co-Author Institute: Rutgers University Department of Physics and Astronomy, NJ, USA 5th Co-Author name: Douglas Duncan 5th Co-Author Institute: Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, IL, USA

Cool Stars 12