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Daniel, Kathryne J.

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Institute: West Chester University
First Coauthor: Marc Gagne
Institute: West Chester University
Second Coauthor: Jeffrey L. Linsky
Institute: JILA/University of Colorado
Subject Area: Star Clusters, Associations
Waveband: X-rays
Technique: Astrometry
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: Chandra Observations of the Pleiades Open Cluster
Abstract: We present the follow-up results of combined data from a 38.4 ks and a 23.6 ks observation of the core of the Pleiades open cluster. The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS-I) on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) revealed 101 sources in a 17'x17' region, 63 of which have not been cataloged at any other wavelength. Analysis of x-ray photometry reveals  50 uncataloged hard s ources with low count rates and no variability. Many of these are most likely highly absorbed background active galactic nuclei (AGN). 19 (of 23) Pleiades members in the ACIS-I FOV were detected as soft x-ray sources with moderate to high variability. Six sources, associated with optical and/or infrared counterparts, show similar hardness and variability statistics, suggesting that we may be seeing deeply embedded unidentified Pleiades members. Additionally, we analyze the presence or absence of x-ray emission from sources with designated spectral types in the Chandra FOV.
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