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Hawley, Suzanne L.

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Institute: University of Washington
First Coauthor: Christopher M. Johns-Krull
Institute: U.C. Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab
Second Coauthor: George H. Fisher
Institute: U.C. Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab
Research URL:
Subject Area: Stellar Atmospheres, Circumstellar Material
Waveband: Multi-wavelength
Technique: Spectroscopy
Other: also photometry
Presentation: Poster Display
Title: The March 2000 AD Leo flare campaign
Abstract: Flares are by their nature random and unpredictable events, and flare observations are often the serendipitous result of programs designed for other scientific endeavors. Thus, few observations of flares covering multiple wavelength regimes, and with both spectroscopic and photometric information, are available to test stellar flare models. Occasionally, a bold and reckless team will put together a flare campaign, employing suitable statistical arguments to convince the relevant telescope allocation committees that such a campaign will prove fruitful, while hoping desperately for the combination of clear weather, working instruments and cooperative star necessary to warrant the Herculean organizational effort. We report here on one such campaign, conducted during March, 2000 on the dM3e flare star AD Leo, and planned to include the FUSE, HST and EUVE satellites; ground-based optical sites including McDonald Observatory, the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, the Stephanion Observatory and the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory; and the Jodrell Bank radio telescope facility. We discuss multi-wavelength results for several energetic flares observed during the campaign.
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Cool Stars 12